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KY School Report Card for Harmony Elementary School  |  Proficient in Reading: 36%  |  Distinguished in Reading: 23%  |  Proficient in Math: 44%  |  Distinguished in Math: 19%

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Library Information

Library Hours & Check-Out Times

  • Our Library is open from 7:45 - 2:00 Monday - Friday.
  • Teachers can checkout - ANYTIME!
  • Students can check out from 7:45 - 1:20 pm  Monday - Friday.

How many books can my child check out?

  • Kinderpups may check out 1 book.  First-Fifth Graders may check out 2 books.  Students may keep their books for two weeks.  They may check out their books for an additional week if the book hasn't been placed on hold by another student.  The goal is to get kids READING and have LOTS of choices available at their fingertips!

When can my child check out a library book?

  • Kindergarten-Second Grade classes have weekly assigned library check-out times.  They may come to the library at different times with permission from their teacher.
  • Third-Fifth Graders may come to the library anytime with permission from their teacher.

How can I volunteer in the library?  

  • Volunteers are an important part of the efficiency of Harmony's library media center. Parents or community members interested in becoming library volunteer should contact Mrs. Bailey ( to discuss scheduling options.  All volunteers must have a current background check on file and complete Harmony's Confidentiality Training. 

Book Fairs

  • Harmony hosts two book fairs each year.  One in the fall and another in the spring.
Book Character Day

Lost or Damaged Books

  • If your child loses a book or has misplaced it for a length of time, payment is expected so that we can replace the book. In the event that your child finds the book and it is returned in good condition within the same school year that it was lost, your funds are returned to you.
  • Books that are damaged due to improper care most often need to be replaced. Most instances of damage are due to leaky water bottles. Even though water dries clear, it causes pages to swell and eventually mildew. Sometimes books are damaged by household pets, or younger siblings, and sadly some books are damaged deliberately. Some students pick at weak spines and tear them down, others peel-off labels. Sometimes children sit on them, step on them, carry them improperly, and drop them causing damage to corners and spines. Whatever the nature of the damage may be, payment is expected in most instances. 
Book Character Day

Library Resources

Newbery Medal and Honor Books, 1922-Present

Oldham County Public Library 

Professional Book Reviews

The following book review sources are used when selecting books to add to our library collection:

School Library Journal 
The Horn Book Guide to Children's and Young Adult Books
Common Sense Media